Event Calendar

Week of Jun 7th

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
June 7, 2020
June 8, 2020
June 9, 2020
June 10, 2020
June 11, 2020(1 event)

All day
June 11, 2020 June 14, 2020

NARSOL's national conference provides unique opportunities to interact and network researchers, restorative justice activists, civil rights attorneys, criminal justice experts, and advocates committed to informing public opinion and reforming the laws that marginalize registered citizens and their families. Our workshops and plenary speakers offer a host of choices to help you increase your skills and knowledge in areas such as litigation, lobbying, leading support groups, storytelling for impact, managing domestic travel, and learning about resources that empower registered citizens and families.


June 12, 2020(2 events)

All day
June 11, 2020 June 14, 2020

NARSOL's national conference provides unique opportunities to interact and network researchers, restorative justice activists, civil rights attorneys, criminal justice experts, and advocates committed to informing public opinion and reforming the laws that marginalize registered citizens and their families. Our workshops and plenary speakers offer a host of choices to help you increase your skills and knowledge in areas such as litigation, lobbying, leading support groups, storytelling for impact, managing domestic travel, and learning about resources that empower registered citizens and families.


June 12, 2020

Weekly NCRSOL luncheon meeting around the Raleigh area. N0-host event at various locations. Please send email to contact@ncrsol.org for more details.

June 13, 2020(1 event)

All day
June 11, 2020 June 14, 2020

NARSOL's national conference provides unique opportunities to interact and network researchers, restorative justice activists, civil rights attorneys, criminal justice experts, and advocates committed to informing public opinion and reforming the laws that marginalize registered citizens and their families. Our workshops and plenary speakers offer a host of choices to help you increase your skills and knowledge in areas such as litigation, lobbying, leading support groups, storytelling for impact, managing domestic travel, and learning about resources that empower registered citizens and families.