NCRSOL Staff Would Like You To Share Information From Your County During COVID-19 Pandemic

NCRSOL staff would like to hear what is happening in your county during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Are registrants still being required in your county to appear in-person?
  • Have you had sheriff deputies knocking on doors for compliance checks?
  • Have you called the sheriffs department to ask a question but are left in limbo with an answer?
  • Has your county sheriff amended in-person requirements during the pandemic?

We would like to hear your stories so we can better assess what is happening in your community and county. So far, we have heard from a few registrants and family members, and despite the threat of the coronavirus, sheriffs departments haven’t seemed to have made adaptive measures to keep registrants, deputies, and the public safe.

Please contact us by email at . Be sure to include only facts, and what county you or the registrant resides. If you have received written notice of amended in-person requirements, our staff would like to view that as well.

On behalf of the staff at NCRSOL, please stay safe! The registry community will always remain in our thoughts and prayers.

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