North Carolina Registrants Must Be An Active Part of Health Care

All too often, the staff at NCRSOL are asked questions about what registrants can do? There are plenty of laws on the books attempting to restrict every movement or opportunity. But it is vitally important to share what services are readily available to the registrant community.

Being placed on a registry for the world to view tends to isolate and shelter into place those that need a chance to talk to someone professionally about how to take care of themselves? But where in North Carolina can those impacted by the registry go to seek either medical or mental health matters?

Fortunately, a few calls have been placed to various county clinics or agencies to discover a wide range of services that most people do not take advantage of? There are some free programs, while others are low cost starting around $10. It greatly depends on what a registrant is in search for? But rather than living in shame or perhaps fearful in seeking help, assistance, or sharing vulnerabilities, it is essential to maintain a healthy body and mind.

We have found North Carolina managed health crisis locations along with health and mental health facilities available to any North Carolinian. It begins with making a phone call to discover what services are available in your county or region. There are plenty of registrants that are afraid to access the internet. This is why it is critical that those with the internet or the ability to advocate for others get the message out so that all people have accessibility in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you know of someone affected by the registry that is searching for medical needs, please share this information and help spread the word.

There are plenty of partnerships to help registrants qualify and receive Medicaid, vision, low-income, aging, hearing, veteran, and perhaps disability services. It is up to all of us to become compassionate enough to advocate for people rather than the stigma of the past. Contacting your county social services may be the first step in ensuring registrants have a voice and are recognized rather than becoming marginalized.

If North Carolina continues to create draconian sex offender laws, then at least as a part of our advocacy is to flood the system with new clients that require immediate assistance to maintain a healthy lifestyle and outlook to assimilate back into society. Let’s do our part by using whatever systems are available by continually calling until we find the answers we are looking for to help the registrant community.

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